watched watchT B I was watching You-Tube to learn English I watched You-Tube to learn English what were you watching on You-Tube? I was watching..... grammar regular and irregular verbs R RRRRRRR Rabbit RabbiT RRRRRabbit Run Regular RRRRRRRRRRReG-you-Ler i-RRRRReg-you-Ler this PRRRRRRRRRer-nun-see-yay-shun B baby VVVVVer-Bzz v and b P and B P B B b is voiced p is unvoiced voice voiced VVV-oy-ssT what happens to regular verbs in the simple past? start started we add ED to the verb in the simple past for regular verbs L end ended did en-did ended want wanted tiD /id/=1 did /t/=2 /d/=3 want wan/t/ wanT wan-TiD sy-La-Ble hope /p/ hoped=hopeT |
consonants R